Friday, February 25, 2011

Kinect Keyboard-Anywhere

Getting the Xbox Kinect working as a giant piano for the Hackerspace-Adelaide demonstration day for the Format Festival. The keyboard-anywhere was written in Python by petermoz, and was released after much public interest. Using a QGLViewer and Fluidsynth to display the Kinect point could and synthesis keyboard notes.

Petermoz provides a ReadMe file with the project containing dependency installation instructions(see below)
== Detailed Dependencies

I got keyboard-anywhere working on a fresh Ubuntu 10.10 install with the
following steps (hopefully I didn't leave any out).

1.  apt-get install the following (this is AFAIK the minimal set):
    (to get PyQGLViewer / PyQt4 working)
    - build-essential
    - pyqt4-devtools
    - qt4-qmake
    - libqt4-dev
    - python-qt4-gl
    - python-qt4-dev
    - python-numpy
    - python-setuptools

    (to get freenect working)
    - cmake
    - libusb-1.0-0-dev
    - freeglut3-dev
    - libxmu-dev
    - libxi-dev

    (for audio output)
    - fluidsynth
    - fluid-soundfont-gm

2.  use easy_install to get cython 0.14
    - sudo easy_install cython

3.  compile libfreenect (with BUILD_PYTHON set to ON)
    (follow the instructions at

4.  download, compile and install QGLViewer and PyQGLViewer (follow instructions in the 
    INSTALL or README files)
The first problem encountered after following the instructions was that there did not appear to be a python wrapper for Fluidsynth. Help from shenki (a member of Hackerspace-Adelaide) directed me to  pyFluidSynth, a python wrapper for FuildSynth.
The Second problem was not having either the libfreenect/lib or pyFluidSynth path variables setup. With a little more help from shenki, and using "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` " from within the libfreenect/lib folder and "export PYTHONPATH=`pwd` " from within the pyFluidSynth folder.

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